速報APP / 個人化 / Pineapple Wallpaper

Pineapple Wallpaper





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



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Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit, celebrated for centuries, not only for its unique taste but also for its miraculous health benefits. Pineapple is covered with thorny spikes and topped with hard, waxy leaves — which may total up to thirty per fruit. The fruit is up to a foot long and has a combination of sweet and tart taste. Pineapple belongs to the Bromeliaceae family and is composite fruit made of coalesced berries that grow at the crown of a fruiting tree. If you are fond of pineapple then you must like the pineapple wallpapers. So don't wipe out your time and download this Pineapple Wallpaper Application. Kindly share the app with others and also do share your feedback.

Features of Pineapple Wallpaper :

# Totally free of cost.

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# Quite easy to use.

# Very simple app.

# Fast running app.

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# Colorful and HD Wallpaper app.

# Consumes very low battery charge.

# No internet is required.

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